-------------------------------------------------------------------- AntsInFields for Windows 9x / ME / NT / XP / 2000 running on ETH PlugIn Oberon for Windows -------------------------------------------------------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS - Contents of the CD - System Requirements - Installation of Ants in Fields (detailed description of installation process) - Uninstalling Ants in fields (how to uninstall AntsInFields completely) - Problems - Differences to the original ETH Plugin Oberon Installation - Legal Information -------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS OF THE CD This particular distribution contains an implementation of the software package AntsInFields Release a1.01, an implementation of the software package Voyager Release b1.01 and an implementation of the operating system ETH Plugin Oberon Release 2.4 for Windows 9x/ME/NT/XP/2000. Oberon is the name of a modern integrated software environment. It is a single-user, multi-tasking system that runs on bare hardware or on top of a host operating system. Oberon is also the name of a programming language in the Pascal/Modula tradition. The Oberon project was launched in 1985 by Niklaus Wirth and Jürg Gutknecht. See also http://www.oberon.ethz.ch Voyager is a project to explore the feasibility of a portable and extensible system for simulation and data analysis systems. It is mainly written in and for Oberon. The Voyager project is carried out by StatLab Heidelberg and was launched in 1993 by Günther Sawitzki. See also http://www.statlab.uni-heidelberg.de/projects/voyager/ AntsInFields is a Software Package for Simulation and Statistical Inference on Gibbs Fields. AntsInFields is written in Oberon and uses Voyager. It has been developed since 1997 by Felix Friedrich. This particular version is adapted to usage for a Windows user. Oberon, Voyager and AntsInFields are contained on this CD with all documentation files, binaries (EXE and OBJ) and all source codes. Legal information can be found at the end of this document. Looking for versions for other operating systems? Please visit www.antsinfields.de or contact me at ants@antsinfields.de. -------------------------------------------------------------------- SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Hardware: - 50 MB of hard disk space. - Preferably a screen with a resolution of 1024 by 768 pixels with at least 32768 colors. Minimum resolution 800x600 pixels. - For the use of AntsInFields: A two-button mouse. For the Oberon- styled user interface (writing programs, building own documents etc.) preferably a three-button mouse and a mouse driver that supports all three mouse buttons. - Preferably a not too slow processor (>= PI 200 MHz) and preferably >= 32MB memory Software: - Microsoft Windows 9x / ME / NT / XP / 2000 -------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION OF AntsInFields There is an installer for Windows in this directory. To install the software, doubleclick the installer icon. If you have enough disk space, I recommend to copy the installer to your hard disk first, since this increases the speed of installation considerably. Installation of AntsInFields means in most cases the installation of all: Oberon, Voyager and AntsInFields. In the following and in the installer (and the uninstaller), (un)installation of all is adressed as (the installation of) AntsInFields. During installation a log file is written to the file "setuplog.txt" in the destination directory. If you already have an installed Oberon System (from now on adressed as "your old Oberon") on Windows, it is recommended to install AntsInFields (and "this Oberon") in a new directory. Unless you do not exclude the "Oberon registry" while installing. This installer writes registry entries for HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ETH PlugIn Oberon\Release 2.4 and for HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ETH PlugIn Oberon\Ants.a1.01 and might overwrite the registry of your old Oberon. You can re-register your old Oberon by double clicking the oberon.reg icon in your old Oberon directory. If you already have installed this software previously (AntsInFields+Voyager+Oberon) and you want to reinstall, you can simply repeat the installation and overwrite the old version. Since all documents and runtime files are overwritten AntsInFields should then be in the same clean state that you observed after the first installation. If, however, this is not the case (never observed, could happen if files are moved or newly compiled), it would be a good idea to uninstall the files, delete the remaining files (see below: UNINSTALLING) and then reinstall AntsInFields. If there is very little disk space, you can use the minimal installation. All files necessary for a running AntsInFields are installed including documentation about the user interface. If none of the above applies, I recommend to choose the typical installation. INSTALLER SPECIFICATION: depending on your choices the installer does the following: 1.) Welcome Screen 2.) ReadMe Message 3.) License Agreement 4.) Select Install Directory 5.) Select Install Type 5a.) Depending on 5): Select Components (components: see 7a below) 6) Set Program Folder: specification if and where entries to the "Start" menu will be added. 7.) Ready to Install Message -UP TO THIS POINT NOTHING HAS HAPPENED TO YOUR SYSTEM - CANCELLING INSTALLATION AT THIS POINT LEAVES YOUR SYSTEM UNTOUCHED 7a) Copying Files (in the following order) Typical = all = Oberon + OberonReg + AntsVy + AntsVyReg Minmal = OberonCore+AntsVyCore+AntsVyDocs+AntsVyReg Oberon = OberonCore + OberonAppl + OberonDocu + OberonSrc OberonCore = Files for basic Oberon system. -needed as a base for AntsInFields OberonAppl = Files to install additional Applications in Oberon. -optional and not needed for AntsInFields OberonDocu = Files with additional documentation for Oberon. -recommended if you want to take a deeper look, but not required for AntsInFields functionality OberonSrc = Modules (source code) of the operating system Oberon. -not needed for AntsInFIelds functionality AntsVy = AntsVyCore + AntsVySrc + AntsVyDocs AntsVyCore = OBJ Files and other basic files of AntsInFields and Voyager -needed for AntsInFields runtime functionality! AntsVySrc = Source Files of AntsInFields and Voyager -not needed as runtime functionality but still recommended! AntsVyDocs = Documents and Documentation of AntsInFields -needed for use of AntsInFields, contains all examples and help files. 7b) Registries and Links OberonReg = Write Oberon registry Needed for Oberon-styled user interface. -not needed for AntsInFields functionality! AntsVyReg = Write AntsInFields registry, make a link "AntsInFields" -needed for AntsInFields functionality! Write Startmenu entries (if specified) 8) Finished Message The following directories are written to your computer. is the destination directory specified in 4.) Following the Oberon convention, here the dos filename seperator "\" is replaced by "/". /Apps additional installable Applications for Oberon [OberonAppl] /Docu documentation regarding Oberon as operating system and as language [OberonDocu] /Obj basic Oberon object (binary) files [OberonCore] /Src source code of the Oberon operating system [OberonSrc] /System Oberon system files, tools, panels and text files of Oberon [OberonCore] /Work the standard working directory, contains all non ETHPlugin-Oberon-standard files /Work/local local files used for AntsInFields, mainly configuration files. [AntsVyCore] /Work/obj Object files (binaries) of Voyager and AntsInFields. [AntsVyCore] /Work/vy the Voyager directory /Work/vy/doc some Voyager documents [AntsVyDoc] /Work/vy/src Voyager Modules (source code) [AntsVySrc] /Work/ants the AntsInFields main directory, contains some basic runtime files of AntsInFields (not the binaries) and the copyright notes. [AntsVyCore] /Work/ants/src AntsInFields Modules (source code) [AnstVySrc] /Work/ants/doc the AntsInFields documents, all panels and documentation of the educational view are contained in here. [AntsVyDoc] /Work/ants/picts standard picture path for antsIF, only the icon of AntsInFields located here. [AntsVyCore] -------------------------------------------------------------------- UNINSTALLING AnstInFields How to remove anything that has been written to the computer during the installation: While the installation process is taking place an Uninstaller is written to disk and the software can thus be removed afterwards. The uninstaller - removes all files that have been written during installation - removes the registry entries of AntsInFields and (if registered during installation) of Oberon - removes the entries in the "Start" menu Files that you might have created newly (not: replaced) in the AntsInFields/Oberon directories will remain unaffected. Temporary files of AntsInFields are normally removed automatically at runtime. If, however, files are left over after the uninstallation process, any remaining files can be removed by hand (unless you want to keep them). If you want to know where the remaining files could be located: the standard name of the destination path in the installer is "Ants". (If, however, you changed this name while installation took place it might be a good idea to search for a directory called "Work" which is the standard work directory name within AntsInFields; if you do not find this directory then nothing is left over on your disk.) -------------------------------------------------------------------- PROBLEMS a) AntsInFields does not start / work at all. - please try a reinstallation of the software - visit the homepage www.antsinfields.de to look for a new version or the "Frequently Asked Questions". - if the problem persists please write an email to ants@antsinfields.de, I will give assistance. b) I have overwritten / removed / destroyed something and I want to go back to the original starting point - do a complete reinstallation of the software (for details see INSTALLATION above) - if the problem persists please write an email to ants@antsinfields.de, I will give assistance. c) I have found a fault / a bug; something seems to be wrong. - please send a bug report to ants@antsinfields.de If you have the system.trap file, please attach it. -------------------------------------------------------------------- DIFFERENCES TO THE ORIGINAL ETH Plugin Oberon INSTALLATION As stated previously, AntsInFields and Voyager run on the operating system Oberon. Thus an Installation of AntsInFields implies - if you do not have a previously installed Oberon system - an Installation of Oberon. Any files NOT located in the directory "Work" except the files "Copyright.readme.txt","Ants.reg", "Ants.lnk", "LGPL.TXT" and "Oberon.reg" are original files from the installation of the "ETH Plug-In Oberon for Windows" as found by download from ftp://ftp.inf.ethz.ch/pub/ETHOberon/Win95NT/PlugIn/ on July 1st, 2002. For the use of AntsInFields, the order for the search path in oberon.reg has been changed to Work;Work/local;System;Work/obj;Obj;Src;Docu;Apps;Work/ants; Work/ants/doc;Work/ants/src;Work/vy/doc;Work/vy/src. Therefore, the file Work/local/Configuration.Text is used as startup file. Some basic modules such as antsExpressions and antsSecurity are launched. If you do not want/need them, please delete the file /Work/local/Configuration.Text, where is the home directory of your installation. -------------------------------------------------------------------- LEGAL INFORMATION This distribution contains an Installation of both, - the Operating System Oberon and - the software packages Voyager and AntsInFields. ---- When installed, Voyager is - in this distribution - located in the directory "Work/vy". Source code of Voyager is marked by preceding "vy" for all Module-Names When installed, AntsInFields is - in this distribution - located in the directory "Work/ants". Source code of AntsInFields is marked by the preceding letters "ants" for all Module Names. Any files NOT located in the directory "Work" except the files "Copyright.readme.txt","Ants.reg", "Ants.lnk", "LGPL.TXT" and "Oberon.reg" are original files from the installation of the "ETH Plug-In Oberon for Windows" as found by download from ftp://ftp.inf.ethz.ch/pub/ETHOberon/Win95NT/PlugIn/ on July 1st, 2002. ---- The Operating System Oberon - called "ETH Oberon" in this distribution - is protected by the following copyright, start and end marked by ">>" and "<<" respectively: (from: ftp://ftp.inf.ethz.ch/pub/ETHOberon/license.txt) >> Copyright (c) 1990-2001, Computer Systems Institute, ETH Zurich All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: o Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. o Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. o Neither the name of the ETH Zurich nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE ETH OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. << ---- The following copyright note (start and end marked by ">>" and "<<" respectively)concerns either of the software packages Voyager (C) 1993-2002 Project Voyager, StatLab Heidelberg ; (C) 1993-2002 G. Sawitzki et al. and AntsInFields (C) 1997-2002 Felix Friedrich, Munich: >> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA << the copy of the LGPL can be found in this directory as file "LGPL.TXT"