÷TextDocs.NewDoc º÷FCColorFlatLockedControlsOrgÛBIER`b€3ð¾Syntax10b.Scn.Fnt5Syntax10.Scn.FntSyntax12b.Scn.Fnt.m7k¤Ê1To Install AntsInFields execute the following steps: For Linux or Windows Version: -> ZipTool.ExtractAll antsCompilerPatch.zip ~ -> Desktops.OpenDoc antsCompilerPatch.Text ~ then follow advices in the Text ( execute Builder.Compile ... *) then restart Oberon ~ All Versions: -> ZipTool.ExtractAll Voyager.b1.01.zip ants.a1.02.zip ~ -> Desktops.OpenDoc vyMakefile.b1.01.Text ~ then follow advices in the Text ( execute Builder.Compile ... *) -> Desktops.OpenDoc antsMakefile.a1.02.Text ~ then follow advices in the Text ( execute Builder.Compile ... *) ~ Now test if compilation was successful by executing -> Desktops.Open ants.Desk you should see moving ants followed by a Desktop with the AntsInFields symbol in the upper right. Please do not hesitate to contact me in case of problems: ants@antsinfields.de